Monday, 2 November 2015

Homage to Boy Aylan

These are times, many children around the world
Are just a mosquito bite away from death.
Obama knows the predicament, for he shared so
But the United Nations in unison
How to address it, doesn’t know!

These are times, tomorrow’s headlines are known today
For the world has become predictable in crime.
But we don’t know what’s in store tomorrow
To save that child from the biting mosquito!

A father losing his dreams,
Even as he runs away in fear.
Seeing this painful truth
Hearts are swollen with tear.

These are times, children from many countries
Like monsoon fish, are found on beach.
People are willing to risk their lives
Merely to continue to live in peace!

A child, who wanted freedom from war
A war he didn’t create nor preach
A child in search of home and food
Found lying dead on a beach.

These are times, yesterday’s deeds are breaking news
As crimes repeat and turn ghastlier.
When an 11-year-old American shot a 9 year old, the other day
Even Obama knew not what to say!

Even as humanity is devastated;
Let compassion not drown

Mankind is ashamed, I say

Rest in peace, little Aylan!


  1. I am wordless to express how much this piece got into my heart.

    Man he is who burns himself to make others smile
    Man he is who burns others to make him smile
    You have rightly defined in three words- Mankind.

    "Mankind is ashamed".

    Priceless is your vision
    Priceless is your imagination

    "These are times, children from many countries
    Like monsoon fish, are found on beach.
    People are willing to risk their lives
    Merely to continue to live in peace!"

    True-very true lozenge to the world at-large
    And, to all those sadistic faces.

    "These are times, tomorrow’s headlines are known today
    For the world has become predictable in crime."

    Freedom is not free
    But, the wisdom is-
    Wisdom should rule
    Pen should awake-
    Minds like yours must burst
    Thus, the success, happiness, progress and peace
    Become the Banner News- and the Breaking News
    Overall this short, but vast, piece makes many people like me unnerved.
    So aptly underlined the real picture of the competitive present world.

  2. Thank you for your encouragement, Rup. Coming from a man of letters, I value your comments highly!
